Expertise in adult and youth mental health
Specialist clinic in adult ADHD
Organisation Consultancy for resilience and well-being
Helping people live more fulfilling lives
I’m Dr Raj Tanna. I’m a leading community Psychiatrist in Perth bringing local and international expertise in Psychiatry and Psychotherapeutic medicine to my practice, including values of early intervention of mental health.
I have a developed career and work across many expert mental health domains for the provision of high quality care. I also collaborate with organisations interested in mental health and well being , beyond the clinic.
I have expertise in working with elite athletes in excelling in life. I have a longstanding interest in traditional wisdom based therapies and am a lifelong meditator, also using its clinical potential for self-actualisation.
I run a specialist clinic to help adults 18 years and older to manage and heal from ADHD related issues. As a family member of people with mental illness I understand the complexity of true recovery.
The core of my approach is individualised care to create positive lifelong change.
I’m driven by a belief that every single person has the right to mental wellbeing, to realise their own abilities and the right to ethical and high-quality care.
Throughout my career I’ve improved, modernised, and led award-winning community mental health services in Perth and London. I’ve led several initiatives to reform service cultures to improve compassion and quality of care in recovery, including as Head of Services at Joondalup Community Mental Health and to Western Australia Country Health Services, also consulting to local, national and international organisations.

A Consultant and Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists since 2004, I’ve trained in Mentalization-Based Therapy with the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families in London.
I’ve undertaken several leadership programs, a Fellowship with the University of Melbourne International Centre for Mental Health, and was the Australian representative on the inaugural young psychiatrist advisory council to the World Psychiatric Association. I have a deep interest in community, cultural diversity and social equity.
I completed my primary medical degree from University College London and a Bachelor of Science scholarship specialising in cognitive neurosciences, including research with neuroscientist and Nobel Prize in Medicine winner Prof John O’Keefe. I’ve trained psychiatrists to enhance the practice of compassionate care, also reforming how medication is prescribed. I’ve held academic posts at the Universities of Western Australia and Notre Dame.
Here are a few programs I’ve contributed to over my career that I’m especially proud of :
Creating the Headspace Youth Early Psychosis Program hYEPP – North Perth
As Lead Expert Advisor to Black Swan Health I led the the planning, service design and development of the Headspace Youth Early Psychosis Program hYEPP in north Perth.
Supporting person-centred, recovery and rights based care, this was a world-first highest fidelity model of early intervention and specialist support for young people, embedding youth values. With funding from the federal government of $14 million it represented a paradigm shift from poorly performing and failing metro wide state services. It still remains a beacon service model.
I collaborated with headspace Australia and Orygen, the world-renowned National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health.
Supporting People with complex mental health issues –
Peel and Rockingham Kwinana Mental Health Services – PARK MHS
My team provided innovative community treatment for adults with highly complex mental health and social difficulties. We used integrated compassionate approaches within the community, recognising the values paramount to true recovery and healing.
In just only 6 months, hospital stays reduced by 40 per cent (service saving of more than $1 million) and more importantly raised immeasurable hope, growth and social capital for individuals.
This program won a prestigious Good Outcomes Award from the Mental Health Commission of the Government of Western Australia.
Improving Early Intervention in Psychosis – London
I helped develop a comprehensive care and recovery service for Early Intervention in Psychosis based on local evidence.
Creating person-centred programs with no barriers to seek expertise, easier to access through better community footprints and collaborating with multi-cultural community leaders, we helped dramatically improve individual access times and longer recovery for all.
As advisor on a London Development Centre committee, further adapted models were introduced in all of the London boroughs.
The service was cited in the Health Service Journal as an exemplar of innovation.
Treating Adult ADHD
‘Life shouldn’t feel this hard‘.
It’s a struggle I often hear from people presenting with ADHD in adulthood. If you feel this way, you’re not alone. More adults live with ADHD than you might realise — up to 60 per cent of children with ADHD suffer from symptoms as they get older, resulting in difficulties in many aspects of life. Life can feel more easy. I’m here to help you to thrive again and feel your best. Read my article in Medicus, a WA medical magazine: A focus on ADHD in Adults
ADHD can be easy to treat, but difficult to treat well. This remains the motivation for my specialist clinic; to provide the highest quality care promoting lifelong transformative change.
What is Adult ADHD?
ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It can present with or without strong features of restlessness. Individuals have an impaired ability to inhibit and regulate attention, behaviour, and emotions, often resulting in impulsiveness, procrastination, distraction, and poor organisation. ADHD can also often present with depression and anxiety features, areas where I can offer expert guidance.
How does someone get ADHD?
Most adults diagnosed with ADHD will have had some symptoms during their childhood. Complex genetics play a leading role—Adult ADHD is 70 per cent heritable. Other factors play a role like environment, or problems through prenatal development. Rather than focus on the cause, which can’t be wholly pinpointed, we can focus on the solution to help you start feeling better.
Will ADHD be lifelong?
ADHD can present as a lifespan disorder. If left untreated, people can suffer poorer, lifelong outcomes. With treatment and medication, where necessary, the disorder can be managed to embrace your strengths and interests. Remember, you’re not the disorder. You have a unique personality to cherish. We work together to help you thrive.
How do I know if I have ADHD?
The first step is to complete the adult self-report scale ASRS to assess signs and symptoms—it’s short and easy. It screens for how often symptoms are present in your life. The second step is to book a review with your GP who can refer for specialist assessment if indicated.
Psychological ( or neuropsychological) tests are not required before an assessment, since they don’t screen for ADHD. They cannot establish a diagnosis of ADHD. Diagnosis can only be made through a detailed clinical assessment by a specialist, which I undertake independently. After assessment, I can advise of relevant and appropriate interventions.
Work With Me
Healing is about finding the right approach for you
Each person is unique. We all have our own specific needs. We communicate in our own way.
I collaborate with you to develop a recovery plan that best suits your mental and emotional needs and what’s happening in the context of your life, including relationships, work, interests and aspirations.
When we feel vulnerable our spirit can start to weaken. I integrate psychotherapeutic and psychiatric approaches to help you focus on your strengths, so you can feel more connected, hopeful and optimistic in your personal recovery, change and growth.
This individual integrative approach may include aspects of lifestyle and nutrition to lessen the use and doses of medications when needed.
The key personal principles that lead my practice include compassion, honesty and respect. I believe in providing high-quality, expert and ethical care involving:

You deserve high-quality individual care that works best for you.
I listen to people’s wishes. I recognise and value each person’s vulnerabilities. It’s not always easy to share what we feel and experience. Vulnerabilities are important to acknowledge and work with, because I see first-hand how they can become areas of growth to cope and feel better.
I walk shoulder-to-shoulder through a person’s recovery. Sometimes this journey can include working with other professionals including counsellors, psychologists, ADHD coaches, general practitioners or another specialist, who we can involve by recommendation.
I’m one part of a person’s journey. Mental wellbeing is a broader community endeavour that includes the strength and support of families, friends and others. When needed I work with an individual’s supports to ensure people have someone who will listen and guide them through their concerns.
Receive leading expert support
I provide the following services where deemed suitable :
- Detailed specialist assessments with feedback
- Second opinions
- Ongoing support / care
- Psychotherapeutic care
- Expert advice and consultation to community service providers, organisations and employers. I have substantial leadership expertise in service planning and design, quality improvement and change, governance, and supportive frameworks including debriefing , organisational well-being and resilience.
- Leadership for team building, mentoring and strategic performance advice | enhanced performance using neuro-scientific and experiential evidence
Book a private consultation based on your convenience:
- In-person
- Online via Telehealth video conferencing / Skype from your computer or smartphone
Due to my commitments and referral volumes, my service availability can at times be limited.
I’m unable to provide assessment for people who are suffering from risk issues since there is a long wait period.
The symptoms of Adult ADHD are significantly under-recognised, despite being commonly understood in childhood. Many adults are living with ADHD and mistake the symptoms for a stressful life. Some typical signs can include: procrastinating, losing focus, feeling distracted, restless, and irritated. Being hyper focussed in some tasks, impulsive, and forgetful. Trying to organise, prioritise and arrange everyday things becomes increasingly stressful, at home and work.
You’re not alone. You can lead a more fulfilled life through individualised care. I’m passionate about providing high quality, individual and holistic care to make life easier for you, your family and friends. I don’t believe in a one-treatment fits all approach. I only prescribe medication as needed and specific to an individual’s circumstance.
Read my recent article A focus on ADHD in Adults, to learn more.
Throughout my career, I’ve also worked with people experiencing a range of mental health issues including anxiety, depression and stress-related problems which can be associated with ADHD. I understand and empathise with how challenging life can be living with Adult ADHD
If you or a loved one are having difficulty with deteriorating mental health or risk issues, please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or contact Perth Mental Health Emergency Response Line 1300 555 788 or present to an Emergency department.
- If your organisation is interested in my expertise for consultation and collaborating , please contact me for discussion.
- If you wish to engage for mentoring, performance or psychotherapy please send me a brief email with your preliminary considerations before arranging to meet.
- If you wish to see me for adult ADHD, complete the Adult self-report scale ASRS to assess your signs and symptoms.
- See your GP for further evaluation and review and get a referral letter for assessment if indicated.
- Email the referral letter.
- My team will call you to arrange an appointment; unfortunately due to high demand not all individuals can be seen.
My clinic is currently * OPEN * to New Referrals
Dr Raj Tanna
Perth Clinic Medical Suites
Level 2, 46 Parliament Place
West Perth, WA 6005
Tel: 08 9486 5800
Fax: 08 9486 5888
Email: XXXX@perthclinic.com.au